Day 1/90 Days-of-DevOps challenge

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Groups are a crucial aspect of Linux administration, and they play an essential role in DevOps as well. A group is a collection of users with similar permissions, and they can be used to manage access to resources in a Linux system. In this blog, we will cover the basics of Linux groups and how they are used in DevOps.

Creating a Group
A group can be created using the groupadd command. Here's an example:

sudo groupadd developers
This command creates a group named "developers". By default, this group will not have any members.

Managing Group Membership
In a DevOps environment, groups are used to manage access to resources. You can add users to a group using the usermod command:

sudo usermod -aG developers john
This command adds the user "john" to the "developers" group. By adding users to a group, you can grant them access to resources that are only available to members of that group.

Setting Group Permissions
In addition to managing access to resources, groups can also be used to set permissions on files and directories. You can set group ownership on a file or directory using the chgrp command:


sudo chgrp developers /var/www/html
This command sets the group ownership of the /var/www/html directory to the "developers" group. By assigning group ownership of files and directories, you can control access to critical resources.

Controlling Access with Sudo
In a DevOps environment, it's often necessary to grant groups elevated permissions for specific tasks. The sudo command allows you to give groups temporary administrative privileges. Here's an example:


%developers ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL
This command grants the "developers" group the ability to use the sudo command without entering a password. By granting sudo access to a group, you can delegate administrative tasks to multiple users at once.

Groups are an essential aspect of Linux administration and DevOps. By creating and managing groups, you can control access to resources, assign ownership of files and directories, and grant elevated permissions to multiple users at once. With this knowledge, you can confidently manage groups in your DevOps environment.

My friend Chinmay Yerudkar has shared his thoughts on the roles of users in. Do check out their posts to gain more insights into the world of DevOps.
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